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Jackson Dill is the founder and editor of Jackson's Weather. Jackson developed this weather service in March 2015. The goal of this service is to provide daily weather forecasts for southwestern Connecticut. Since the development of Jackson's Weather, it has expanded from not only being online but also to several social media networks, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


What got Jackson interested in meteorology?

Ever since Hurricanes Irene and Sandy back in 2011 and 2012 respectively, Jackson became very fascinated in weather. He was amazing by how such a powerful storm can form and cause so much damage. From this moment through today, he has been obsessed with weather, constantly analyzing the models and making forecasts as well as watching meteorologists deliver the weather on television.


How does Jackson make his forecasts?

Jackson creates his forecasts straight from the weather computer models. He has a subscription to a website called, WeatherBELL, which displays all the different data from numerous models. He checks multiple models and then decides which solution appears to be the most right. All the weather graphics found on the Jackson's Weather website and social media accounts are also created by him to display the weather more easily.


What's his favorite type of weather?

Jackson loves when it's a hot, sunny day with a dry heat--Preferably at 90 degrees.


What's Jackson's favorite type of extreme weather?

This is a tough one but since hurricanes got him fascinated in meteorology, it has to be hurricanes. He also loves big snowstorms and thunderstorms as well.


What career path does Jackson want to take?

Obviously I want to become a meteorologist and major in meteorology in college. Furthermore, he would like to have a career in broadcast meteorology on television because he loves to share and talk about the weather with others.


Articles Jackson has been featured in:

Wilton Magazine

The Wilton Bulletin

Wilton Daily Voice

Jackson Dill

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Founder and Editor

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