If you haven't heard, it's going to get cold and will feel like winter by this weekend. A burst of freezing air originating from the Arctic will make its way all the way into the Northeast Friday into Saturday.

Highs Friday and Saturday will likely only be in the 30's, which is almost twenty degrees below average. Low temperatures will be even colder, especially Saturday morning. I'm forecasting a low of about 20 degrees. That would break the daily record low of 24 degrees set back in 1956. If we do end up hitting 20 degrees, which is possible, that would tie the record for earliest 20 degree low in our area. Normally, we get this cold in mid-December, a month from Saturday.

If you're a fan of the cold, don't get too excited because this blast of arctic air won't last too long. Looking ahead to the rest of November overall, temperatures should be close to average.