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Developing Drought Possible This Month

You may be wondering if we're in a drought as you look at your dry or dead lawns. As of now, we are not in a drought but we are approaching one. Last week, the National Drought Mitigation Center placed all of our area in the 'abnormally dry' category, which is the pre-stage of a drought.

One of the main reasons for this is how dry our September was. During the month of September, we only received about half of the rainfall we would normally receive that month. Rainfall year-to-date is also a couple inches below average.

During the month of October, it's not looking like good news. I do believe we are beginning to get into a drought. This is because of how dry September was and how October is forecast to also be dry relative to average. The Climate Prediction Center, which is a division of the National Weather Service, is forecasting for below average precipitation for our area overall during the month of October.

If we do get into a drought, the only think we can hope for is rain and above average snowfall in the winter.

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